Monday, January 18, 2010

hello sunshine, hello 28

i can not get over the beautiful sunshine we are getting today. GORGEOUS. it renews my hope that spring is around the corner. so far life as a 28-yr-old has treated me very well. i celebrated my 28th birthday on friday, just 9 days after my sweet daughter celebrated her first birthday, and i admit that at first 28 seemed very old to me but then i realized that in 2 short years i get to be at the beginning of a decade again instead of the end, like turning 30 will be like turning 20 all over again, and then i felt better.

a little excited maybe.

and so i've made a decision to make changes to improve myself so that i can head into my thirties the best version of ME yet. one of the biggest changes i'm making is to finally loose this "baby" weight once and for all and to be in amazing shape. i'll be blogging more about this journey here if you want to follow that part of my journey more (and i can always appreciate some incouragement) i've got some crafty aspirations as well such as knitting without a pattern and eventually designing my own patterns. the thought of that has got me more excited and inspired then i have been in far too long. i used to eat.sleep.breathe anything fashion or design. somehow in the business of motherhood i've lost that part of me but the glimmer of it has given me hope and a little refreshment.

a little message from Yogi Tea


  1. Happy 28 again! I'll be 27 this year and it sounds crazy...
    What is that tea?

  2. Thanks again Tanya :) i think the tea is tazo calm (chamomille)

  3. oh wait that's the tea in my banner (can i blame that on a long day?)....the tea in the post is cocoa spice by Yogi Tea. they have little quotes on the tea bag hang-tag. ♥
